30 Days Money Back, Return & Cancellation Policy
Money Back
Gemshub.com always cares and gives priority to customer satisfaction. For any reason if you aren’t satisfied with the goods received, you can return any non-customized products in its original condition for a refund or exchange as per our Return Instructions.
Please do mention the reason of the return or unsatisfaction, so that we can improve our products quality and services to avoid any future returns.
Once your returned goods is received on our end, it will be reviewed by our quality assurance department and will be informed by e-mail regarding your returns within 1–2 business days. Money will be returned to your PayPal account in full immediately.
Note: Any unauthorized, improperly packed and damaged packages will be not be considered and will be returned back to sender immediately. Items that show signs of wear, engraving, altered or damaged in any way cannot be accepted for return.
Return Instruction
Inform us about return before sending to avoid any loss and follow our three step process:
- Pack the goods same as the packaging was received with the invoice number mentioned.
- Include invoice specifying “Goods Returned for Repair – Not for Sale”.
- Send us the shipment details immediately upon dispatch.
Address for returning goods:
M/s Gemshub
Contact Person: CiCi
Kindly email to care4u@gemshub.com before sending to confirm the address for return.
Cancellation Policy
Please mail or call our customer service as soon as possible to check if the order has entered the fulfillment process. Once an order is processed, then we are cannot modify or cancel it. We apologize for any inconvenience.